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LSA Training Scheme

We are very happy to introduce many dynamic courses which includes many new and great features happy to …

  • Better designed programs for you
  • Online Availability to sources
  • Helping Board in your learning management

Online Courses

We have got some best teachers available in town who can help you to polish your skills as much as you can …

  • Better designed programs for you
  • Online Availability to sources
  • Helping Board in your learning management

Upcoming Events

We are happy to tell you that we are accepting new addmissions for new batch so dont delay get …

  • Find a course best suits your skills
  • Attent the seminar related to that course
  • Helping Board in your learning management

Welcome to LSA Training Portal!

We are eager to give you best Education and style.

We Welcome you to our Education WordPress theme by Webful Creations. Webful Creations have created an amazing WordPress theme which is great for educational institutes and courses. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec laoreet iaculis elementum. Aliquam ligula nisi, molestie faucibus tortor quis, vulputate imperdiet turpis. In iaculis arcu et aliquam dapibus. Nulla facilisi.

Nunc pellentesque euismod felis id posuere. Nunc maximus aliquet varius. Cras ornare tristique est vel porttitor. Fusce tempor, augue sagittis congue ornare, tortor augue elementum augue, quis egestas nisi ipsum eget urna. Suspendisse vitae lectus quis turpis dapibus euismod eget a metus. Nulla eget nunc purus. Ut egestas et nulla at pretium. Pellentesque sed varius lectus.

Our Courses

Find Best Course For Yourself!

105 – تنظيم الحركة الكشفية العالمية

تنظيم الحركة الكشفية العالمية

Register Yourself!

104 – تاريخ الحركة الكشفية عالميا وعربيا ولبنانيا

تاريخ الحركة الكشفية عالميا وعربيا ولبنانيا

Register Yourself!

606 – الاعلام الكشفية (تصميم،ألوان، قماش، القياسات)

606 - الاعلام الكشفية (تصميم،ألوان، قماش، القياسات)

Register Yourself!

Upcoming Events

Our Upcoming Seminars/Events Dont Miss Out!

GC,DCs, GLs Seminar

Online Seminar for GC, Districts Councils & Group Leaders.

Timinings: 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Date: January 30, 2022

Join Event

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